Aug 1, 2011
Blog Topics
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Recent Posts
- The War on the Cross
- Andy Stanley’s Scapegoating of the Jewish Scriptures
- Is Our World a Safe Place Anymore? (Genesis 11:1-9)
- Did Jesus Give Away the Land of Israel to Christians (Matthew 5:5) Part 3
- Is Israel the New Evil Empire?
- Did Jesus Give Away the Land of Israel to Christians? (Matthew 5:5) Part 2
- Did Jesus Give Away the Land of Israel to Christians? (Matthew 5:5) Pt 1
- Does God Really Have Plans to Prosper You? (Jeremiah 29:11) Pt. 3
- Does God Really Have Plans to Prosper You? (Jeremiah 29:11) Pt. 2
- Does God Really Have Plans to Prosper You? Jeremiah 29:11 Pt. 1