Is Israel the New Evil Empire?
When I picture an Evil Empire, Darth Vadar, Star War’s devious leader of the Dark Side, prowls across my mind. Throw in a squadron of Imperial Stormtroopers clashing with Rebel Alliance combatants, and we have an accurate description of an Evil Empire.

But the modern nation of Israel as the “new Evil Empire”? No way! Yet some Christian leaders are accusing the Jewish nation of playing the role of ambassadors for the Dark Side in the Middle East.
This article was originally written for The Messianic Times in 2007. Since the accusation of Israel as an apartheid nation continues in some evangelical circles, I thought it would benefit the readers of Scripture Solutions to take a look at the issue once again.
My major concern is not only with the politics involved in the incrimination of Israel but also with the fact this indictment stems from anti-Israel evangelicals.
I presume some evangelicals cited in this article have either changed or eschewed their position or doubled down on their viewpoint. It is not the purpose of this reprint to update the negative views held by these evangelicals towards Israel. This piece is a reflection of what was taking place 14 years ago among Christian leaders in their perspective on the modern state of Israel.
One further observation. Many of the links included in the first article are no longer operable. So I have deleted them from the text and retained the links that are still active.
What Christian leaders would possess the chutzpah to assign this sinister caricature to the Jewish state?
An evangelical call to unmask the so-called Evil Empire
Rev. Donald Wagner, director for the Center for Middle Eastern Studies at Chicago’s North Park University, addressed the National Middle Eastern Presbyterian Caucus (NMEPC) held in Birmingham, Alabama in June 2006. Though Wagner offered his remarks on Father’s Day (June 18, 2006), his vilification of Israel could hardly have pleased the Heavenly Father, the Holy One of Israel.
Wagner, the founder of Evangelicals for Middle East Understanding, referred to Israel as part of a “globalized empire” that employs such things as “weapons and the international media for its gain.”
Appealing to an evangelical audience, the Chicago professor challenged his listeners, “We have to unmask the face of the evil empire.”
Wagner, who had recently returned from a trip to the Holy Land declared, “It is time that we start using the word apartheid. In fact, it is worse than apartheid.”
Other Christian leaders have unfortunately provided the fodder for Wagner’s biting words towards the Jewish nation.