
You’re Invited To The Scripture Solutions Blog

Are you bombarded by invitations like I am? I’m invited to add friends on Facebook and business acquaintances on Linkedin. I receive requests from meet-up groups to network with like-minded individuals in my profession. Invites flow like a river for me to sign up on my one-millionth email list, return to college, attend a friend’s birthday party via an eInvite or meet up with a neighborhood insurance salesperson.

One Invite You Can’t Pass Up

Someone where floating on the choppy sea of invitations is the one invite I cannot ignore, and that’s the invitation from the Lord to spend time in His word. In this weekly blog my goal is to help you respond to God’s invitation to attend His presence and to serve as your host to introduce you to the timeless truths of Scripture.  Now, how can you pass up such an invitation? (more…)


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