
Welcome to Scripture Solutions

Welcome to Scripture Solutions, a gateway where you can find answers in the Word of God to the problems that challenge us as individuals and to issues that face us as a nation.

We live in an age where Christian teachers and ministers are constantly faced with the need to address the dilemmas confronting our culture –  the hopelessness of drug addiction, never-ending financial hardships, devastating job loss, the chaos of international and national political disorder, the burden of family stress, the heartbreak and tensions of divorce, the reality of failing marriages,  the consequences of out-of-control sexuality and the stress of being a parent in a non-supportive culture.

Yet across the country individuals entrusted with communicating the Word of God are neglecting to make the Scriptures their central focus to address the crises people are facing. Rather than teach from the timeless truths of God, men have chosen to feed their congregations messages focusing on pop “Christian” psychology, personal stories, quick fixes for difficult problems and the latest trends pulsating throughout Christianity. In return God’s people are being cheated and deprived from hearing eternal truths meant to transform our behavior and character.

Scripture Solutions founder and author, Louis Lapides is committed to the fact that regardless of how our culture changes, the truths of the Bible cannot be compromised. Individuals – both Jewish and Gentiles – need to hear the life-changing teachings of God’s word that can regenerate lives. In Matthew 24:35 Jesus taught, “Heaven and earth will pass away, but my words will never pass away”.

Through books, pamphlets and audio messages offered on Scripture Solutions, you can enjoy the fruit of many years of the teaching and research of Louis Lapides, former pastor, Bible college professor and seminar instructor.

Louis, a messianic believer in Jesus, brings his Jewish roots to the Scriptures and incorporates the Jewish background of Christianity into his teachings. The messages you’ll hear on Scripture Solutions are timely, practical and bring the Bible to life. In addition, Louis is committed to providing a strong defense in relation to those who want to water down the effectiveness of God’s word with imaginative theology and attempts to come up with new ways to undermining God’s timeless truths. Louis is also quite aware of the theological attacks that are being aimed at God’s plan for His people Israel. As a result of these assaults, the entire message of the Word of God from the Jewish Scriptures to the New Testament becomes both compromised and confusing.

Whether you are a Jewish or Gentile person in pursuit of truth, you’ll find something to gain from Louis’ teaching.


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